In the last few days, I have become increasingly aware of the concept of change, acceptance, and new opportunities. It’s really sort of knocking me upside the head.
What does acceptance include and what have I missed in years past? How many new opportunities have passed me by because I haven’t given them the chance to bloom, or I have ignored them? Why do I need to embrace that concept? Because it keeps slapping me in the face. And you know what Einstein said, about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? He referred to it as “insanity”. And now that our world has been turned upside down we are being faced with old outdated belief systems that don’t work anymore. We are being challenged to wake up and change. (Honestly, things are always changing we are just too obsessed with “holding on” that we miss opportunities for potential betterment). This is tough to accept because we have always done this or that in a given way or even believed certain behaviors were OK. After all, they worked for us. But now, we are all being challenged to look at our selves from a different point of view and change. It’s a challenging time, to say the least. It’s rocking all of our boats. Now what to do with all this change?
Isn’t the first part of change acknowledgment and recognition? You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge. Ok, so, what’s the next step, well, perhaps the next step is to observe what is changing from a purely objective, (if possible) viewpoint. Can you just sit with it? Let it sink in. What are you thinking about it? Is it disrupting your life to the point of upsetting the balance of what was, and what you want in the future? Examine that thought, precept, or, system. Are there negatives and positives about that? Exercise your brain, allow yourself to think, and embrace that there might be another way? What about this very moment - being present? Can you do it? Can you just observe what you are feeling without judgment about it being good or bad, indifferent, upset because you are afraid of what you might need to change regarding the way you have been going about your life... for a very long time?
These are my observations about a few topics that have come up for me. I’m a pretty social person, I love being in the presence of my friends and loved ones and that is just not possible now. Sure, I can be around them but in a controlled environment, all social distancing rules observed - ugh!. I miss not being able to hug people as it’s as natural to me as breathing. I reach out, it’s who I am. Guess what? I can’t do that anymore and while I mourn for the loss of touch and physical connection I must accept this. I admit I have not done so very willingly.
I have a beautiful memory of my step-mom that when introduced to someone she would step toward them with her arms wide open and gorgeous smile and say sweetly, “I’m a hugger, is that ok with you?” You couldn’t refuse her because that gesture was genuine, a real true me, to my home, my porch, my world, please sit, stay awhile, let’s share a glass of ice tea and cookies I just made. She was love expressing and everyone that met her loved her and felt comfortable instantly. I wish that I am like her...I can aspire to be at least. But now, how do I do that? I can’t shake a new friend’s hand, let alone hug them. There is a lot to consider, I never used to think about it because I too, am open and wish to extend loving-kindness. I have to accept this and I don’t like it. I don’t want to accept this, it makes me very sad. I am longing for the day when I can return to my natural way of being, of interacting in the world.
If, however, I follow my advice there must be an opportunity here. I think the opportunity is to extend love, kindness, and compassion that resides in my being, outwardly to a new friend so that they can feel or sense that I am happy to meet them, chat with them, learn about them, share a moment with them. OK, I like this opportunity. I can practice it, try it on for size, see what I think. I’m not sure it will compare to wrapping my arms around someone but it does require me to raise my awareness to uplift others in a different way that is satisfying to them and to me.
I have had many new opportunities come my way via change and acceptance in our current state of affairs. I really don’t like wearing my protective mask, and long for a shopping experience that doesn’t require me to wear one, where I can visually see other people smile at me and when I smile at them. Plus, I’m accepting that I have to think differently while shopping...I don’t know what it is but I feel like my brain doesn’t operate as usual with that thing on my face. Now, why is that? Surely my brain is still inside my noggin, it works just fine when not impeded with a face-covering!
My way of conducting business has changed dramatically. It just has. I can’t really meet up with a colleague at the coffee shop unless we sit outside. At the moment going to a group planning meeting of any kind other than virtual is off the table and out of the question. Having said that, I see people adjusting though, I have seen some meetings taking place in person but, still socially distanced. How does it change the interactions? I miss sitting at a conference table, calendar, pen and paper in hand, (it’s visceral for me, I’m tactile and I need that paper beneath my pen), water bottle at my upper right, and looking across to see my team or business partners. I look at all the businesses that usually send their sales, engineering, HR teams nationwide and globally and the majority of those trips have been canceled. Companies are creative though and finding ways to still conduct business - virtually. Did we need those trips, to begin with? Certainly worth thinking about it. Huge cost to companies...hum? So, maybe that is a good thing. Although, there is something about meeting in person that you just can’t beat.
I have a list of many other things that have changed or are in the process of change that I find annoying or disturbing, and somehow I will need to accept and look for new opportunities for growth and sustenance. It’s an adjustment to a new way of being. I just want to find the joy in it, the grace in it, and the wisdom to accept this new way of life. How about you are you accepting change? Slowing down and seeing new opportunities?
If you find yourself confused in this upside-down world and want to talk or need guidance during this time please know that we are here for you. Reach out, contact us at We can help you through this uncertain time to reach peace, purpose, and joy once again.
In Peace,
Susie Pitts